Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 1 - Introduction

I am Steve Rockson, a rock-climbing enthusiast from Seattle. Today, I am setting off on a journey that will send me around the world to incredible places. I will be seeing mountains, islands, volcanoes, and many more sights as I analyze the various rock formations. Some places I go will be dangerous, from an active volcano to the sight of an earthquake! I will travel all around, from the Mariana Trench to the San Andreas Fault Line.

I am writing this from a plane, that has just taken off from the Sea-Tac Airport. Through the small, round plane window, I can see magnificent sights! The rocky tops of mountains tearing through the clouds and volcanoes that steam from the mouth. All of these landmarks tempt me, but I must stay focused on my first location: the Mariana Trench. It is the deepest part of the world's oceans, with a known depth of almost seven miles! Though getting there is going to take a long time. I will have to take two international flights all the way across the world to the Philippines!
View from the Airplane -

1 comment:

  1. I like the story you have created about Steve. He seems like a pretty chill guy.
    -Nice, informative description about the boundaries. They were clear and easy to understand.
    -I enjoyed reading about Steve! His life seems pretty cool!
    Great job!
